26岁的Anthony Pennell在Westdale镇中心附近发生枪击事件后被捕,被控以武器恐吓和袭击一名和平官员。 26-year-old Anthony Pennell arrested after shooting incident near Westdale Town Center, charged with intimidation with a weapon and assault on a peace officer.
26岁的Anthony Pennell来自锡达拉皮兹, 星期三在Westdale镇中心附近发生枪击事件后被捕。 Anthony Pennell, a 26-year-old from Cedar Rapids, has been arrested after a shooting incident near Westdale Town Center on Wednesday. 面对包括用武器进行恐吓和袭击一名和平官员等指控,他试图逃跑,但被捕。 Facing charges including intimidation with a weapon and assault on a peace officer, he attempted to flee but was apprehended. 虽然附近几家企业为了安全暂时关闭,但据报没有人受伤。 No injuries were reported, though several nearby businesses closed temporarily for safety. Pennell也有与家庭虐待案件有关的尚未执行的逮捕令。 Pennell also had outstanding warrants related to a domestic abuse case.