纽约州州长拨款5 500万美元,用于更新全州紧急通信系统。 New York Governor allocates $55 million to upgrade emergency communication systems statewide.
纽约州长凯西霍胡尔已拨款5 500万美元,用于改善全州紧急通信。 New York Governor Kathy Hochul has allocated $55 million to improve emergency communications across the state. 这些资金通过总额为5 500万美元的两个赠款方案分配,将帮助各州更新技术,购买新设备,并加强为下一代911系统提供培训。 The funds, distributed through two grant programs totaling $55 million, will help counties upgrade technology, purchase new equipment, and enhance training for Next Generation 911 systems. 目标是使公共安全回答点现代化,并改进各机构之间的互操作性。 The goal is to modernize public safety answering points and improve interoperability among agencies.