印度最高法院强调,在IPS官员的离婚案中,任何人都不能凌驾于法律之上。 Indian Supreme Court stresses no one is above the law in IPS officer's divorce case.
印度最高法院强调,在最近一起涉及一名IPS官员及其离散的丈夫的婚姻纠纷案中,“任何人都不能凌驾于法律之上”。 The Supreme Court of India emphasized that "no one is above the law" in a recent matrimonial dispute case involving an IPS officer and her estranged husband. 法院敦促双方为了司法公正而解决纠纷,因为丈夫的律师由于妻子的高级警察职位而对其客户的待遇表示关切。 The court urged both parties to settle their disputes in the interest of justice, after the husband's lawyer expressed concerns about his client's treatment due to the wife's high-ranking police position. 法院承认它不能强迫和解,但鼓励寻求友好解决办法。 The court acknowledged it cannot force a settlement but encouraged finding an amicable solution.