印度法院处理滥用反嫁妆法防止丈夫和姻亲受到骚扰的问题。 Indian courts address misuse of anti-dowry laws to prevent harassment of husbands, in-laws.
印度德里高等法院和最高法院对滥用反嫁妆法,特别是印度《刑法》第498A条在婚姻纠纷中骚扰丈夫和姻亲的做法表示关切。 The Delhi High Court and Supreme Court in India have raised concerns over the misuse of anti-dowry laws, particularly Section 498A of the Indian Penal Code, to harass husbands and in-laws in matrimonial disputes. 法院撤销了指控含糊不清或事发很久后才提出指控的案件,强调必须有具体证据。 The courts have quashed cases where allegations were vague or filed long after incidents, emphasizing the need for concrete evidence. 他们承认确有骚扰案件,但强调法律制度必须防止虐待。 They acknowledge genuine cases of harassment but stress the legal system must guard against abuse.