全球报告显示,由于成本和口味,对植物饮食的愿望与实际收养之间存在差距。 Global report reveals gap between desire for plant-based diets and actual adoption due to cost and taste.
EAT(EAT)和GlobalScan(GlobalScan)的“真相之谷2024”报告显示, 全球有68%的人想食用更多植物食品, The "Grains of Truth 2024" report by EAT and GlobeScan shows that while 68% globally want to eat more plant-based foods, only 20% do regularly. 障碍包括高成本、品味和方便,尤其影响到千百年。 Barriers include high costs, taste, and convenience, particularly affecting millennials. 经济压力和不断上涨的粮食成本是主要障碍,42%的答复者提到价格问题。 Economic pressures and rising food costs are major obstacles, with price cited by 42% of respondents. 报告强调了植物饮食对健康和可持续性的潜力,建议提供补贴、创新和教育,使这些饮食更容易获得。 The report stresses the potential of plant-based diets for health and sustainability, recommending subsidies, innovation, and education to make these diets more accessible.