欧元区经济在2024年的Q4出现停滞,主要经济体几乎没有增长。 Eurozone economy stagnates in Q4 2024, with major economies showing little to no growth.
据欧统局统计,2024年第四季度欧元区经济出现零增长。 The eurozone economy showed zero growth in the fourth quarter of 2024, according to Eurostat. 德国、法国和意大利几乎没有任何增长,而西班牙的国内生产总值则上升了0.8%。 Germany, France, and Italy saw little to no growth, while Spain's GDP rose by 0.8%. 欧洲中央银行预计将将利率削减25个基点,以刺激经济。 The European Central Bank is expected to cut interest rates by 25 basis points to stimulate the economy. 经济挑战包括谨慎的消费支出、政治不确定性以及关税增加可能造成的贸易中断。 Economic challenges include cautious consumer spending, political uncertainty, and potential trade disruptions due to increased tariffs.