一架小型飞机坠毁在斯波坎的费尔茨菲尔德,在草地上滑行,未造成人员伤亡。 A small plane crashed at Spokane's Felts Field, sliding across grass without causing injuries.
星期一下午一架小飞机在斯波卡内Felts Field坠毁,但没有人员受伤的报告。 A small plane crashed at Felts Field in Spokane on Monday afternoon, but no injuries were reported. 飞机滑过草坪, 错过跑道。 The plane slid across the grass, missing the runway. 坠机原因仍在调查之中,事件发生后机场被暂时关闭。 The cause of the crash is still under investigation, and the airport was temporarily closed following the incident. 所涉飞机是Robert DeLaurentis拥有的Gulfstream双胞胎指挥官。 The aircraft involved is a Gulfstream Twin Commander, owned by Robert DeLaurentis.