阿塞拜疆治疗了首例旅行者猴痘病例;患者现在情况稳定并出院。 Azerbaijan treats its first monkeypox case in a traveler; patient now stable and discharged.
阿塞拜疆处理了第一起猴子天花案例,涉及一名22岁、最近出国旅行的人。 Azerbaijan treated its first case of monkeypox, involving a 22-year-old who recently traveled abroad. 病人返回时的症状包括发烧、生殖器区的皮疹、淋巴结的扩大以及肌肉疼痛。 The patient returned with symptoms including fever, rashes in the genital area, enlarged lymph nodes, and muscle pain. 实验室检测确诊为猴子天花,个人现已出院接受门诊治疗,其病情稳定。 Laboratory tests confirmed monkeypox, and the individual has now been discharged for outpatient treatment with their condition stabilized.