一名30岁的内罗毕妇女确诊了第三宗猴子天花病例;肯尼亚加强了边界监测。 3rd monkeypox case confirmed in a 30-year-old Nairobi woman; Kenya intensifies border surveillance.
肯尼亚证实,最近前往乌干达的一名来自内罗毕的30岁妇女患了第三例天花病。 Kenya confirms its third monkeypox case in a 30-year-old woman from Nairobi who recently travelled to Uganda. 卫生部正在入境口岸加强监控,以控制高传染性疾病的蔓延。 The Ministry of Health is intensifying surveillance at ports of entry to control the spread of the highly infectious disease. 病人保持稳定,在内罗毕的一个隔离单位接受治疗。 The patient is stable and receiving treatment in an isolation unit in Nairobi. 在塔伊塔塔韦塔县和布西亚县发现的头两个病例已经恢复。 The first two cases detected in Taita Taveta and Busia counties have already recovered.