尽管投票对自由党缺乏信心, 但国民民主党领导人仍支持受关税打击的加拿大人。 NDP leader supports tariff-hit Canadians, despite voting non-confidence in Liberals.
加拿大国民民主党领袖Jagmeet Singh愿意与自由党政府合作, 支持受美国潜在关税影响的加拿大人, Canadian NDP leader Jagmeet Singh is open to working with the Liberal government to support Canadians affected by potential U.S. tariffs, despite plans to vote non-confidence in the government. 自由党正在考虑一项与他们的COVID-19一揽子援助计划相似的数十亿美元的刺激计划,但细节尚未与反对派领导人分享。 The Liberals are considering a multibillion-dollar stimulus plan similar to their COVID-19 aid package, but details have not been shared with opposition leaders yet. 其他反对党在如何对拟议的计划作出反应的问题上意见不一。 Other opposition parties are divided on how to respond to the proposed plan.