加拿大总理特鲁多政府在预算阻的背景下, 在新民主党的支持下, 幸存于不信任投票. Canadian PM Trudeau's government survives no-confidence vote with NDP support, amid budgetary filibuster.
由于新民主党的支持, 加拿大总理贾斯·特鲁多的少数自由党政府在第三次不信任投票中幸存下来. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's minority Liberal government survived a third no-confidence vote, thanks to support from the New Democratic Party (NDP). 保守党动议援引民族民主党领导人Jagmeet Singh对自由党的批评,以180-152票的投票失败。 The Conservatives' motion, which cited NDP leader Jagmeet Singh's criticism of the Liberals, failed with a vote of 180-152. 众议院还投票表决了国民民主党关于扩大GST休息时间的动议, 以及250加元的“工作加拿大人回扣”, 以包括老年人和残疾津贴, The House also voted on an NDP motion to expand the GST break and a $250 "working Canadians rebate" to include seniors and those on disability benefits, but this was defeated. 投票是在保守党两月的阻和最后期限批准政府为社会计划支出216亿美元的背景下进行的. The vote comes amid a two-month filibuster by the Conservatives and a deadline to approve $21.6 billion in government spending for social programs.