埃尔帕索县因百日咳爆发和建筑问题,将詹金斯中学学生转移。 El Paso County moves Jenkins Middle School students due to whooping cough outbreak and building issues.
埃尔帕索县公共卫生局已确认詹金斯中学爆发百日咳疫情,由于结构问题,学生将转移到多尔蒂高中和罗素中学。 El Paso County Public Health has confirmed a whooping cough outbreak at Jenkins Middle School, relocating students to Doherty High School and Russell Middle School due to structural issues. 家长们已接到通知,并被告知要注意诸如严重咳嗽和呼喊声的症状,这些症状可以持续几周或几个月。 Parents have been notified and advised to watch for symptoms like a severe cough and whooping sounds, which can last weeks or months. 新地点学生面临的风险很低,但卫生官员鼓励接种疫苗,如果担心症状,则与保健服务提供者联系。 The risk to students at the new locations is low, but health officials encourage vaccination and contacting healthcare providers if concerned about symptoms.