英国和欧盟因英国禁止采沙钓鱼, 测试Brexit后贸易协定, 在法庭上发生冲突。 UK and EU clash in court over UK's ban on sandeel fishing, testing post-Brexit trade pact.
英国和欧盟因联合王国禁止在北海水域采沙钓鱼而在法庭上面临诉讼,欧盟声称这一禁令违反了《贸易与合作协定》。 Britain and the EU are facing off in court over the UK's ban on sandeel fishing in North Sea waters, which the EU claims breaches the Trade and Cooperation Agreement. 争端可能使英国-欧盟关系复杂化,并突显出因布雷契特捕捞后捕鱼权引起的紧张。 The dispute could complicate UK-EU relations and highlights tensions over post-Brexit fishing rights. 这个案件由在海牙的一个三人小组审理,可能对未来的贸易和环境政策产生影响。 The case, heard by a three-member panel in The Hague, could have implications for future trade and environmental policies.