英国和欧盟因英国禁止欧盟船只在北海捕捞沙子而引发贸易争端。 UK and EU in trade dispute over UK's ban on EU vessels catching sandeel in North Sea.
联合王国和欧盟因联合王国禁止欧盟船只在其北海水域捕捞沙子而陷入了贸易争端。 The UK and EU are in a trade dispute over the UK's ban on EU vessels catching sandeel in its North Sea waters. 联合王国实施了保护海洋野生生物的禁令,而欧盟则声称它不公正地以丹麦渔船为目标,并违反了Brexit之后的贸易协议。 The UK imposed the ban to protect marine wildlife, while the EU claims it unfairly targets Danish fishing vessels and breaches the post-Brexit trade deal. 案件将在一个为期三天的法庭上审理,检验养护措施如何与经济权利相平衡。 The case will be heard in a three-day tribunal, testing how conservation measures are balanced with economic rights. 如果得不到解决,它可能导致对英国出口品征收关税。 If unresolved, it could lead to tariffs on British exports.