渔业部长在比利时召开会议,承诺在英国退欧挑战下评估共同渔业政策法规。 Fisheries Ministers convened in Belgium, committing to evaluate the Common Fisheries Policy Regulation amid Brexit challenges.
渔业部长在比利时举行非正式聚会,辛克维丘斯专员承诺对共同渔业政策法规进行全面评估。 Fisheries Ministers met in Belgium for an informal gathering, with Commissioner Sinkevičius committing to a full evaluation of the Common Fisheries Policy Regulation. 多尼戈尔部长查理·麦康纳洛 (Charlie McConalogue) 对这一评估表示欢迎,并表示英国脱欧是渔业部门面临的最重大挑战。 Donegal minister Charlie McConalogue welcomed the evaluation, stating that Brexit has been the most significant challenge for the fisheries sector. 欧盟部长们讨论了保护和促进该行业的方法,重点关注欧盟渔业的未来。 EU Ministers discussed ways to protect and boost the industry, with a focus on the future of fisheries in the EU.