诉讼挑战北达科他州禁止对未成年人进行性别确认的护理, Trial challenges North Dakota's ban on gender-affirming care for minors, citing state constitution.
在北达科他州进行的一项审判对2023年成为法律的州禁止为未成年人提供确认性别的医疗服务的禁令提出了挑战。 A trial in North Dakota is challenging the state's ban on gender-affirming medical care for minors, which became law in 2023. 由儿科内分泌学家提起的诉讼认为禁令违反了州宪法。 The lawsuit, filed by a pediatric endocrinologist, argues the ban violates the state constitution. 北达科他州是拥有类似禁令的二十多个州之一。 North Dakota is one of over two dozen states with similar bans. 这场审判预计持续八天, 起因于变性青少年面临更高比例的欺凌和自杀。 The trial, expected to last eight days, comes amid reports that transgender teens face higher rates of bullying and suicide. 主要医疗团体反对这种禁令,指出在医学上可能有必要进行确认性别的治疗。 Major medical groups oppose such bans, stating gender-affirming treatments can be medically necessary.