美国最高法院将审理有关阻止州政府禁止对未成年人进行性别肯定护理的上诉,对田纳西州禁止性别肯定护理的禁令提出质疑。 US Supreme Court to hear appeals on blocking state bans on gender-affirming care for minors, challenging Tennessee's ban on gender-affirming care.
最高法院已同意审理有关各州禁止对未成年人提供性别肯定护理的上诉,这是其首次审理跨性别者权利问题。 The Supreme Court has agreed to hear appeals on state bans of gender-affirming care for minors, marking the first time it takes on the issue of transgender rights. 该案将对田纳西州对此类护理的禁令提出质疑,并对这些禁令的合宪性提出质疑。 The case will challenge a Tennessee ban on such care, raising questions about the constitutionality of these bans. 性别肯定护理包括咨询和治疗,例如青春期阻断药物和激素疗法。 Gender-affirming care includes counseling and treatments like puberty-blocking medications and hormone therapy.