医院在当地慈善机构的资助下,为老年病人安装秋天警报器,以减少受伤。 Hospital installs fall alarms for elderly patients, funded by local charity, to reduce injuries.
Wwocestershire皇家医院增加了四个Ramblegard Fall警报系统,由Worcestershire皇家医院之友提供资金,以监测和提醒工作人员注意身体虚弱和年长的病人可能下降的情况。 Worcestershire Royal Hospital has added four Ramblegard Fall Alarm systems, funded by The Friends of Worcestershire Royal Hospital, to monitor and alert staff of potential falls among frail and elderly patients. 这些警报已经表明,在减少医院其他地方造成伤害的坠落方面,已经取得了成功。 These alarms have already shown success in reducing injury-causing falls in other parts of the hospital. Claire James校长赞扬这18 862英镑的捐赠加强了病人和工作人员的安全。 The £18,862 donation was praised by Matron Claire James for enhancing patient and staff safety.