参议员Mike Lee提议利用私家侦探打击墨西哥贩毒集团, 引发关于成本与合法性的辩论。 Senator Mike Lee proposes using privateers to combat Mexican drug cartels, sparking debate on cost and legality.
参议员Mike Lee提议使用国会通过装饰信授权的私家侦探 与墨西哥贩毒集团进行斗争 Senator Mike Lee proposes using privateers, authorized by Congress through letters of marque, to fight Mexican drug cartels. 这种做法以宪法条款为基础,允许私人实体为营利目的扰乱卡特尔活动。 This approach, based on a constitutional clause, would allow private entities to disrupt cartel activities for profit. 支持者认为,它比政府干预更具成本效益,但批评者警告说,它可能导致滥用,并被视为违反国际法。 Supporters argue it could be more cost-effective than government interventions, but critics warn it could lead to abuse and is seen as a violation of international law.