在选民的支持下,厄瓜多尔总统诺沃亚突袭墨西哥大使馆,以打击贩毒集团。 Ecuadorian President Noboa raids Mexico's embassy to combat drug cartels, supported by constituents.
厄瓜多尔总统诺沃亚突袭墨西哥大使馆的决定在全球领导人中引起了分歧,但厄瓜多尔人似乎支持他的举动,因为他们选举他为总统,期望他是一位能够打击普遍存在的腐败和犯罪的“行动派”。 Ecuadorian President Noboa's decision to raid Mexico's embassy has divided global leaders, but Ecuadorians seem to support his move, as they elected him with the expectation of an "action man" to tackle widespread corruption and crime. 身穿防弹背心、戴着太阳镜和皮夹克的诺沃亚打击犯罪的方式似乎对他的选民来说很有意义,选民认为突袭使馆是他打击国际贩毒集团及其相关犯罪的承诺的一部分。 Outfitted in bulletproof vests, sunglasses, and leather jackets, Noboa's approach to crimefighting seems to make sense to his constituents, who consider the embassy raid part of his commitment to combat international drug cartels and their associated crimes.