美国海岸警卫队在加勒比海缴获388磅可卡因,价值430万美元;两名美国公民走私犯被转移至缉毒局,面临阴谋指控。 388 lbs of cocaine seized in the Caribbean Sea by US Coast Guard, valued at $4.3 million; 2 US citizens smugglers transferred to DEA, facing conspiracy charges.
美国海岸警卫队在加勒比海缴获388磅可卡因,价值430万美元,并将两名美国公民走私犯移送波多黎各缉毒局。 The US Coast Guard seized 388 pounds of cocaine, valued at $4.3 million, in the Caribbean Sea and transferred two US citizen smugglers to the DEA in Puerto Rico. 这一行动是打击贩毒的多机构倡议的一部分。 The operation was part of a multi-agency initiative against drug trafficking. 走私者面临严重的联邦指控,包括共谋分销受管制物质,可能判处10年至终身监禁。 The smugglers face serious federal charges, including conspiracy to distribute controlled substances, with potential sentences ranging from 10 years to life imprisonment. 这突显了机构间合作的有效性。 This highlights the effectiveness of interagency collaboration.