法官将母亲的秘密记录标为家庭暴力,对不列颠哥伦比亚州监护案件中的儿童福利造成影响。 Judge labels secret recordings by a mother as family violence, impacting child well-being in a BC custody case.
不列颠哥伦比亚省一名法官批评一名母亲秘密记录家庭谈话,称其为家庭暴力的一种形式,损害了她子女的幸福。 A judge in British Columbia criticized a mother for secretly recording family conversations, calling it a form of family violence that harmed her children's well-being. 母亲C.C.记录了17次对话,指控她丈夫的婚外情。 The mother, C.C., recorded 17 conversations alleging her husband's extramarital affair. 法官命令丈夫(每年收入146 640美元)每月支付配偶赡养费2 166美元,加上拖欠款,而妻子(每年54 587美元)则必须每月支付502美元。 The judge ordered the husband, earning $146,640 annually, to pay $2,166 monthly in spousal support, plus arrears, while the wife, with $54,587 annually, must pay $502 monthly. 法官还禁止在未经同意的咨询期间进行秘密录音。 The judge also banned secret recordings during counseling without consent.