法庭驳回有关在不列颠哥伦比亚案件中威胁未经同意分享亲密图像的申诉。 Tribunal dismisses complaint of threatened non-consensual sharing of intimate images in BC case.
不列颠哥伦比亚省法庭驳回了一名妇女的申诉,即她的室友威胁说要分享她在网上的亲密形象。 A British Columbia tribunal dismissed a woman's complaint that her roommate threatened to share an intimate image of her online. 申诉人KO根据省法律寻求5 000美元,但法庭没有发现任何证据证明室友ZWH采取了亲密形象或威胁要分享这种形象。 The complainant, KO, sought $5,000 under provincial law, but the tribunal found no evidence that the roommate, ZWH, took an intimate image or threatened to share it. 投诉被驳回,记录被密封。 The complaint was dismissed and records sealed.