康涅狄格州主计长提议通过法案,停止向被控工资盗窃的承包商付款。 Connecticut comptroller proposes bill to halt payments to contractors accused of wage theft.
康涅狄格州主计长肖恩·斯坎隆提出一项法案,允许他的办公室停止向因违反工资法而被调查的州承包商付款。 Connecticut State Comptroller Sean Scanlon proposes a bill that would allow his office to halt payments to state contractors under investigation for wage law violations. 该法案旨在建立一个更快的系统,以收回损失的工资并补偿工人。 The bill aims to create a faster system for recovering lost wages and making restitution for workers. 它得到劳工代表和倡导者的支持,他们相信它将有效解决工资盗窃问题,特别是在建筑业。 It is supported by labor representatives and advocates, who believe it will effectively address wage theft, especially in the construction industry.