康涅狄格的主计长报告说 大学执行官滥用国家资金 促使人们呼吁改革 Connecticut's comptroller reports misuse of state funds by college executives, prompting calls for reform.
康涅狄格州主计长肖恩·斯坎隆发布一份报告 揭露康涅狄格州立学院和大学 包括特伦斯·郑大法官 行政主管滥用国家资金 Connecticut's Comptroller Sean Scanlon has released a report revealing misuse of state funds by executives at Connecticut's state colleges and universities, including Chancellor Terrence Cheng. 审计发现奢侈品,如美食和汽车服务方面的支出不适当,共计数千美元。 The audit found improper spending on luxury items like fine dining and car services, totaling thousands of dollars. 虽然没有违反刑法,但报告促使人们呼吁更严格地进行财务监督和政策改革。 While no criminal laws were broken, the report prompted calls for stricter financial oversight and policy reforms. 国家道德办公室还将调查可能的违反道德行为。 The Office of State Ethics will also investigate potential ethics violations.