康涅狄格州退伍军人事务部在2020和2021财政年度对雇员加班和库存管理不当。 Connecticut's Department of Veterans Affairs mismanaged employee overtime and inventory during fiscal years 2020 and 2021.
康涅狄格州退伍军人事务部(CT DVA)发现,在2020和2021财政年度期间,对雇员的加班和补偿时间授权不当,库存管理不当。 Connecticut's Department of Veterans Affairs (CT DVA) was found to have improperly authorized overtime and compensatory time for employees during fiscal years 2020 and 2021, as well as inadequately managing inventory. 该机构在监督批准前向雇员支付工资,增加了滥用和不当收入的风险。 The agency paid employees before supervisory approval, increasing the risk of misuse and improper earnings.