康涅狄格州参议院第 221 号法案寻求到 2027 年逐步提高小费工人工资,使其与该州最低工资保持一致。 Connecticut's Senate Bill 221 seeks to gradually raise tipped worker wages to align with state minimum wage by 2027.
康涅狄格州参议院第 221 号法案旨在逐步提高小费工人的时薪,到 2027 年达到该州每小时 15.69 美元的最低工资标准。 Connecticut's Senate Bill 221 aims to gradually raise the hourly rate for tipped workers to meet the state's minimum wage of $15.69 per hour by 2027. 该法案得到了当地工会和劳工团体的支持,旨在解决餐饮业的工资差距问题。 The bill, supported by local unions and labor groups, aims to address the wage disparity in the restaurant industry. 然而,餐馆老板和康涅狄格州餐馆协会认为,工资增加可能会导致菜单项目更加昂贵,并可能导致裁员。 However, restaurant owners and the Connecticut Restaurant Association argue that increased payroll could lead to more expensive menu items and potential layoffs. 已举行公开听证会讨论拟议的立法。 A public hearing has been held to discuss the proposed legislation.