打击工资盗窃的新法律生效,帮助工薪不足的劳动者。 New laws to fight wage theft take effect, aiding workers shortchanged on pay.
旨在打击工资盗窃的新法律现已生效,为工资低于最低工资或领不到加班费的工人提供了希望。 New laws aimed at combating wage theft are now in effect, offering hope to workers who have been paid less than the minimum wage or denied overtime pay. 立法因州而异,包括对雇主的更严厉惩罚和工人较容易收回损失工资的程序。 The legislation, which varies by state, includes stricter penalties for employers and easier processes for workers to recover lost wages. 倡导者说,这些措施可以为每小时的工人提供重要保护。 Advocates say the measures could provide significant protection for hourly workers.