营销人员与社交媒体的错误信息作斗争,而中国的经济问题则威胁着广告的增长。 Marketers struggle with social media misinformation, while China's economic issues threaten ad growth.
在错误信息在社交媒体上猖獗的世界中,营销人员面临着挑战,有可能使品牌与虚假内容产生联系。 Marketers face challenges in a world where misinformation thrives on social media, risking brands' associations with false content. 为了应对这种情况,品牌应该澄清他们的信息,监控趋势,通过与值得信赖的平台合作来确保安全,并使用数据分析来完善策略。 To counter this, brands should clarify their messages, monitor trends, ensure safety by partnering with trusted platforms, and use data analytics to refine strategies. 此外,对中国经济困境的担忧可能会影响亚洲的广告增长,尤其是在奢侈品和汽车行业。 Additionally, concerns about China's economic struggles may affect advertising growth in Asia, especially in luxury and auto sectors. 在行业变革之际,媒体代理公司 PHD 与大众汽车集团(中国)签订了一份价值 5 亿美元的媒体关税合同。 PHD, a media agency, secured a $500 million media duties contract with Volkswagen Group China, amid industry changes.