澳大利亚阿米代尔市 (Armidale) 将包括 Sandy Sweeney 在内的当地英雄评为年度公民。 Armidale, Australia, honors local heroes including Sandy Sweeney as Citizen of the Year.
2025年1月26日, 澳大利亚阿米达尔, 在颁奖仪式上, 荣耀当地英雄。 On January 26, 2025, Armidale, Australia, honored local heroes at an awards ceremony. 桑迪·斯威尼因对社区电台的40年承诺被命名为年度公民。 Sandy Sweeney was named Citizen of the Year for her 40-year commitment to community radio. 其他获奖者包括青年公民James Pegg和年老公民Roy Porter。 Other recipients included James Pegg as Young Citizen and Roy Porter as Senior Citizen of the Year. 北阿皮达尔人行走轨道小组获得了环境公民奖,新英格兰歌手被确认为国际年社区活动。 The North Armidale Walking Tracks group received the Environmental Citizen award, and New England Sings was recognized as Community Event of the Year. 市长和议员赞扬了这些为加强社区所作的贡献。 Mayor and MP praised these contributions for strengthening the community.