北棕榈滩码头安全港火灾损坏三艘船只;原因正在调查中。 Fire at Safe Harbor North Palm Beach marina damages three boats; cause under investigation.
星期四深夜,在北棕榈海滩安全港码头发生重大火灾,从晚上11时30分左右开始,在一艘48英尺长的登山船内,向另外两艘大型单壳帆船蔓延。 A significant fire broke out at Safe Harbor North Palm Beach marina late Thursday night, starting around 11:30 p.m. in a 48-foot catamaran and spreading to two other large single-hull sailboats. 来自多个部门的消防员一起工作,在凌晨3点前控制火焰。 一人因伤情接受了评估,但住院治疗被拒绝。 Firefighters from multiple departments worked together to control the flames by 3 a.m. One person was assessed for injuries but declined hospital treatment. 火灾的起因仍在调查之中。 The cause of the fire remains under investigation.