民众支持者在奥斯汀集会,敦促维持保护未出生儿童的现行法律。 Pro-life supporters rally in Austin, urging for maintenance of current laws protecting unborn children.
数千名亲生支持者聚集在得克萨斯州的奥斯汀,为得克萨斯生命联盟而战,主张加强对未出生儿童的保护。 Thousands of pro-life supporters gathered in Austin, Texas, for the Texas Rally for Life, advocating for stronger protections for unborn children. 来自得克萨斯州的Jonathan Saenz强调,有必要维持现行的反生命法,强调向母亲提供安全和支持。 Jonathan Saenz from Texas Values highlighted the need to maintain current pro-life laws, emphasizing the safety and support provided to mothers. 他警告说,有可能进行立法改革,必须反击赞成堕胎团体的努力。 He warned of the potential for legislative changes and the need to counter efforts by pro-abortion groups.