达文波特(Davenport)的抗争者为堕胎权利及更好的农村医疗保健机会而集会。 Protesters in Davenport rally for abortion rights and better rural healthcare access.
全国人民三月的一部分在爱荷华州达文波特举行集会,抗议联邦堕胎权利被推翻,呼吁改善生殖和产妇保健。 A rally in Davenport, Iowa, part of the national People's March, protested the overturning of federal abortion rights and called for improved reproductive and maternal healthcare. 包括退休的OB-GYN-Carolyn Martin在内的发言者强调,农村地区缺乏保健服务提供者,需要获得避孕药具和扩大医疗补助的覆盖面。 Speakers, including retired OB-GYN Carolyn Martin, highlighted the lack of healthcare providers in rural areas and the need for access to contraception and extended Medicaid coverage. 他们敦促进行州宪法修正,以恢复堕胎权利并改善妇女保健。 They urged for a state constitutional amendment to restore abortion rights and improve women's healthcare.