内布拉斯加州立法者考虑制定法案,以遏制单独监禁,并结束监狱中的双人床位。 Nebraska lawmakers consider bill to curb solitary confinement and end double bunking in prisons.
内布拉斯加州立法者正在审议第99号立法法案,其目的是通过限制单独监禁和停止在限制性住房中双层床位来改革监狱条件。 Nebraska lawmakers are considering Legislative Bill 99, which aims to reform prison conditions by limiting solitary confinement and ending double bunking in restrictive housing. 曾遭受过单独监禁有害影响的前囚犯提供了证词。 Testimony was provided by former inmates who experienced the harmful effects of solitary confinement. 该法案提议将连续数日单独限制在不超过15天,并禁止为弱势群体提供限制性住房。 The bill proposes to restrict consecutive days in isolation to no more than 15 and bans restrictive housing for vulnerable groups. 尽管内布拉斯加州惩教事务部主任表示反对,但维护者认为,为防止囚犯受到进一步伤害,有必要采取这项措施。 Despite opposition from the Nebraska Department of Correctional Services director, advocates argue the measure is necessary to prevent further harm to inmates. 该法案目前正在审查中,估计费用为630万美元。 The bill is currently under review and is estimated to cost $6.3 million.