内布拉斯加州县和州青少年设施中单独监禁的使用有所增加,引发了倡导者的担忧。 Solitary confinement usage increases at Nebraska county and state youth facilities, sparking concerns among advocates.
一份报告称,在内布拉斯加州的县和州运营设施中,单独监禁(正式称为房间监禁)的使用激增。 The use of solitary confinement, officially called room confinement, has spiked at county and state-run facilities in Nebraska, according to a report. 道格拉斯县青年中心等一些青少年中心在青少年进入少年法庭系统期间为他们提供住所,官员们有时认为单独监禁是必要的。 Some youth centers, such as the Douglas County Youth Center, are housing young individuals while they move through the juvenile court system, and solitary confinement is sometimes perceived as necessary by officials. 然而,支持者认为这可能会对这些人群的行为管理产生影响。 However, advocates argue that it may have an impact on managing behavior in these populations.