华盛顿州众议院的先期法案允许低风险囚犯申请重审判决。 Washington State's House advances bill allowing low-risk inmates to petition for sentence review.
华盛顿州众议院狭隘的先进众议院第1125号法案,允许行为有所改进且被视为低风险的囚犯申请重判。 Washington State's House narrowly advanced House Bill 1125, allowing inmates who have shown improved behavior and are considered low-risk to petition for sentence review. 该法案要求社区在判刑后羁押五年,并鼓励受害者参与。 The bill requires five years of community custody post-resentencing and encourages victim input. 然而,一些立法者担心司法裁量权和受害者权利,认为该法案需要进一步完善。 However, some lawmakers worry about judicial discretion and victim rights, suggesting the bill needs further refinement. 提案在全体众议院的未来仍然不确定。 The proposal's future in the full House remains uncertain.