Trump下的白宫网站删除了美国宪法页面,以404个错误取而代之。 White House website under Trump removes U.S. Constitution page, replacing it with a 404 error.
由特朗普总统领导的白宫网站现显示美国宪法网页有404处错误, The White House website under President Trump's administration now shows a 404 error for the U.S. Constitution page, previously offering details on the document and its history. 这一改变与取消生殖权.gov站点等其他改动同时发生。 This change coincides with other alterations, such as the removal of the site. 新的主页重点介绍特朗普的计划,并附有总统的轮廓。 The new homepage highlights Trump's plans and features a silhouette of the President. 白宫尚未对宪法页面的删除做出评论。 The White House has not commented on the Constitution page's removal.