被定罪的欺诈者Mukhtar Shariff因盗窃儿童营养方案而被判处17年以上徒刑。 Convicted fraudster Mukhtar Shariff sentenced to over 17 years for stealing from child nutrition programs.
Mukhtar Sharif在“喂养我们的未来”欺诈案中被定罪,因从政府儿童营养方案中盗窃数百万儿童而被判处17年以上徒刑。 Mukhtar Shariff, convicted in the Feeding Our Future fraud case, was sentenced to over 17 years in prison for stealing millions from government child nutrition programs. Shariff用他的公司作为幌子,抽取用于低收入儿童的资金,将这笔钱花在个人奢侈品上。 Shariff used his company as a front to siphon funds meant for low-income children, spending the money on personal luxuries. 尽管Nancy Brasel法官表示悔恨,但认为他的证词不可信,并根据建议的准则对他判刑。 Despite expressing remorse, Judge Nancy Brasel found his testimony not credible and sentenced him within the recommended guidelines.