7 名明尼苏达人因 2.5 亿美元的疫情食品计划欺诈案面临审判,其中 18 人已承认有罪。 7 Minnesotans face trial for a $250m pandemic food program fraud, with 18 already pleading guilty.
7 名明尼苏达州人因大规模诈骗疫情食品计划而面临审判,开庭陈述定于 4 月 29 日进行。 7 Minnesotans face trial for a massive scheme to defraud the pandemic food program, with opening statements scheduled for 29 April. “喂养我们的未来”案被认为是该国疫情期间最大的诈骗案,涉及 70 人,他们被指控诈骗政府 2.5 亿美元,据称他们用这笔钱购买奢侈品,而不是在学校停课期间为低收入儿童提供食物。 The "Feeding Our Future" case, deemed the nation's largest pandemic-era fraud, involves 70 people charged with bilking the government out of $250m, allegedly using the funds to purchase luxury goods instead of feeding low-income children during school closures. 18名被告人均已认罪。 18 defendants have already pleaded guilty.