在“喂养我们的未来”一案的审判中,辩方出庭质疑联邦调查局的膳食欺诈调查,而检察官则指控这是一项 2.5 亿美元的欺诈计划。 In the Feeding Our Future trial, defense attends challenge FBI's meal fraud investigation, while prosecutors allege a $250M fraud scheme.
在“喂养我们的未来”案审判中,辩护律师对联邦调查局的膳食欺诈调查提出质疑,称被告遵守联邦规定并提供了真正的食物。 In the Feeding Our Future trial, defense attorneys challenge FBI's meal fraud investigation, arguing that defendants followed federal rules and provided real food. 检察官指控存在一项 2.5 亿美元的全国性欺诈计划,涉及圣安东尼非营利组织“Feeding Our Future”及其相关组织所涉数百万美元的资金。 Prosecutors allege a $250 million nationwide fraud scheme involving millions in funds flowing through the St. Anthony nonprofit Feeding Our Future and related organizations. 目击者作证说,他们从未见过在所声称的地点提供餐食,而地区官员报告的餐食数量也比被告声称的要少得多。 Witnesses testify that they never saw meals served at claimed sites, and district officials report significantly lower meal counts than those claimed by defendants.