来自伯明翰的25岁的Mekhi Harris被判处10年徒刑,罪名是使用Telegram的1 000万美元假支票计划。 25-year-old Mekhi Harris, from Birmingham, was sentenced to 10 years for a $10M fake check scheme using Telegram.
Mekhi Diwone Harris,25岁,来自伯明翰,被判处10年联邦监禁,因参与一个欺诈计划,出售价值超过1 000万美元的1 000多张假支票,必须没收160 000美元。 Mekhi Diwone Harris, 25, from Birmingham, has been sentenced to 10 years in federal prison and must forfeit $160,000 for his involvement in a fraudulent scheme that sold over 1,000 fake checks worth over $10 million. 通过加密的应用程序电报运作,哈里斯将目标对准企业、慈善机构和个人。 Operating through the encrypted app Telegram, Harris targeted businesses, charities, and individuals. 此案在联邦调查局和其他机构的支持下,被美国检察官办公室起诉。 The case was prosecuted by the U.S. Attorney's Office with support from the FBI and other agencies.