印度Sagkyur村附近的野火威胁到当地人,但当局的快速反应可防止伤亡和破坏。 Wildfire near Sagkyur village in India threatens locals, but quick response by authorities prevents casualties and damage.
印度阿鲁纳恰尔邦Sagkyur村附近爆发了一场野火,对当地社区构成威胁。 A wildfire broke out near Sagkyur village in Arunachal Pradesh, India, threatening local communities. 地方当局、军队和警察迅速采取行动,控制了住宅区附近的火灾,避免了任何伤亡或财产损失。 Swift action by local authorities, the Army, and police contained the fire near residential areas, avoiding any casualties or property damage. 然而,由于地形的缘故,茂密、难以进入的森林继续着火。 However, the blaze continues in the dense, hard-to-reach forest due to the terrain. 当局正密切监测局势,以防止进一步蔓延。 Authorities are closely monitoring the situation to prevent further spread.