Assam的Jorhat发生火灾,周六三家商店被毁,造成重大损坏,但没有人受伤。 A fire in Jorhat, Assam, destroyed three shops Saturday, causing major damage but no injuries.
星期六早些时候,在阿萨姆州Jorhat发生了一场大火,摧毁了三家商店,造成大量财产损失。 A significant fire broke out early Saturday in Jorhat, Assam, destroying three shops and causing extensive property damage. 消防员在现场工作,努力控制大火,防止它扩散到邻近的商店。 Firefighters were on-site, working to control the blaze and prevent it from spreading to adjacent stores. 幸运的是,没有报告伤亡情况。 Fortunately, there were no reported injuries or casualties. 火灾的原因仍不得而知,扑灭火焰的努力仍在进行中。 The cause of the fire remains unknown, and efforts to extinguish the flames were still underway.