查谟和克什米尔地区拉朱里发生森林大火,火场面积达 7-8 英亩,已由森林保护部队控制。 Forest fire in Rajouri, Jammu & Kashmir, engulfing 7-8 acres, controlled by Forest Protection Force.
查谟和克什米尔邦拉朱里区发生大规模森林火灾。 Massive forest fire erupts in Rajouri district, Jammu and Kashmir. 巴图尼森林带发生火灾,过火面积达 7-8 英亩,对树木和野生动物造成严重破坏。 Fire broke out in Bathuni forest belt, engulfing 7-8 acres and causing severe damage to trees and wildlife. 森林保护部队连夜展开大规模灭火行动,于周一控制住了火势。 Forest Protection Force launched an extensive firefighting operation through the night, bringing the fire under control by Monday.