在工作人员被拘留之后,联合国暂停前往也门胡塞控制区的旅行。 The UN suspends travel to Houthi-controlled areas in Yemen after staff detentions.
在数名联合国工作人员被拘留后,联合国已暂停所有前往也门胡塞叛军控制区的旅行。 The United Nations has suspended all travel to areas controlled by Yemen's Houthi rebels after several UN staff members were detained. 联合国要求立即释放所有被拘留人员。 The UN demands the immediate release of all detained personnel. 胡塞当局未对联合国的要求发表评论。 Houthi authorities have not commented on the UN's demands. 也门面临着世界上最严重的人道主义危机之一,自2014年胡塞人夺取首都萨那的控制权以来,已有超过150 000人死亡。 Yemen, facing one of the world's worst humanitarian crises, has seen over 150,000 deaths since 2014, when the Houthis seized control of the capital, Sanaa.