9 名联合国工作人员及其他人员因财务压力和空袭而被也门胡塞叛军扣押。 9 UN staffers and others detained by Yemen's Houthi rebels amid financial pressure and airstrikes.
9名联合国工作人员和其他人员被也门胡塞叛军扣押,引发人们对在该地区开展业务的国际组织安全的担忧。 9 United Nations staffers and other individuals have been detained by Yemen's Houthi rebels, raising concerns over the safety of international organizations operating in the region. 在胡塞叛军面临财政压力加大、以美国为首的联军发动空袭的背景下,联合国雇员遭到镇压。 This crackdown on UN employees comes amid increased financial pressure on the Houthi rebels and airstrikes from the US-led coalition. 联合国拒绝对拘留事件发表评论,而胡塞武装尚未承认拘留事件。 The UN has declined to comment on the detentions, while the Houthis have not acknowledged them.