联合国秘书长要求立即释放被也门胡塞集团拘留的联合国人员和其他人员,包括13名联合国工作人员。 UN Secretary-General demands immediate release of UN personnel and others detained by Yemen's Houthi group, including 13 UN staff members.
联合国秘书长安东尼奥·古特雷斯(António Guterres)要求立即无条件释放被也门胡塞集团拘留的联合国人员和其他人员,包括13名联合国工作人员。 UN Secretary-General António Guterres demanded the immediate and unconditional release of UN personnel and others detained by Yemen's Houthi group, including 13 UN staff members. 他还谴责胡塞武装强行进入萨那人权事务高级专员办事处(人权高专办)的行为。 He also condemned the forced entry by Houthis into the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) in Sanaa. 被关押了两个月以上的被拘留者必须受到尊重其人权的待遇,并允许他们与家人和法律代表联系。 The detainees, who have been held for over two months, must be treated with respect for their human rights and allowed to contact their families and legal representatives. 联合国已警告也门严峻的人道主义局势, 超过1800万民众遭受粮食无保障、流行病、流离失所、基础设施受损、经济危急, The UN has warned of the dire humanitarian situation in Yemen, where over 18 million people are suffering from food insecurity, epidemics, displacement, damaged infrastructure, and critical economic conditions.