Trump批评欧盟对待美国科技巨人的态度, 称欧盟行动“是一种税收形式”。 Trump criticizes EU's treatment of US tech giants, calling EU actions "a form of taxation."
总统特朗普批评欧盟在世界经济论坛对苹果、谷歌和梅塔等美国科技巨人的待遇, 将欧盟的行动称为“税收形式”。 President Trump criticized the European Union's treatment of US tech giants like Apple, Google, and Meta at the World Economic Forum, calling the EU's actions a "form of taxation." 欧盟以各种违规行为对这些公司罚款数十亿美元,包括因爱尔兰税务问题对苹果公司处以140亿美元的罚款。 The EU has fined these companies billions for various violations, including a $14 billion fine on Apple for tax issues in Ireland. 特朗普的评论表明,美国和欧盟之间在技术监管问题上的紧张关系日益加剧。 Trump's comments signal growing tension between the US and EU over tech regulation.