泰国利用飞机在曼谷上空喷洒水和干冰,以对抗危险的空气污染水平。 Thailand uses aircraft to spray water and dry ice over Bangkok to combat dangerous air pollution levels.
泰国正在曼谷试验一种未经证实的消除严重空气污染的方法,那里污染水平达到世界卫生组织建议的最高水平的八倍。 Thailand is experimenting with an unproven method to combat severe air pollution in Bangkok, where pollution levels have reached eight times the World Health Organization's recommended maximum. 皇家雨务部正利用飞机向温暖的空气层喷洒冷水或干冰,以冷却和散布被困的颗粒。 The Royal Rainmaking department is using aircraft to spray cold water or dry ice into the warm air layer to cool it down and disperse trapped particles. 批评者认为这一方法缺乏有效性证据,建议用经过证明的措施解决污染源问题。 Critics argue this method lacks evidence of effectiveness and suggest addressing pollution sources with proven measures instead.