东南亚城市面临严重的空气污染;泰国和越南采取措施防治这种污染。 Southeast Asian cities face severe air pollution; Thailand and Vietnam implement measures to combat it.
IQAir指出,东南亚城市,包括胡志明市、金边和曼谷,是世界上污染最严重的城市之一。 Southeast Asian cities, including Ho Chi Minh City, Phnom Penh, and Bangkok, rank among the world's most polluted, according to IQAir. 污染来源于作物燃烧、工业活动和大量交通。 The pollution stems from crop burning, industrial activities, and heavy traffic. 为了解决这一问题,泰国提供免费公共交通,鼓励远程工作,而越南正在考虑征收碳税和促进电动车辆。 To address the issue, Thailand is offering free public transport and encouraging remote work, while Vietnam is considering a carbon tax and promoting electric vehicles.